Let’s go to bukittinggi

The city of Bukittinggi is one of the city in the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia.

The city was formerly called Fort de Kick and was once also dubbed as Paris van Sumatra city of Medan in addition, [3] and the town of Bukittinggi was also the capital city of Indonesia.

The city is the hometown of one of the Bung Hate proclaimed Indonesia, also known as city heritage [4] with the Clock Tower, a landmark in the heart of height, shaped like a big clock Big Ben, as well as a symbol for the city which is also located on the edge a valley called Canyon Sank.

In addition, the city of Bukittinggi is also famous as a tourist city cool temperate, and siblings (sister city) with the Sere ban Nigeria Sembilan in Malaysia.


Bukittinggi city began to stand in line with the arrival of the Dutch who later founded the fort in 1825  during the Padre War in one of the hill contained in this town, known as the fortress Fort de Kick, as well as a resting place for the Dutch officers who were in area towns. Later in the reign of the Dutch East Indies, this area always increased role in state administration which later developed into a Stadsgemeente (city), and also served as the capital Feeling Padangsche Bovenlanden and Onderafdeeling Oudh Agama.

During the Japanese occupation, the city of Bukittinggi serve as the central control of its military government for the Sumatra region, even to Singapore and Thailand, where the city became the seat of the military commander to 25 Kenpeitai, under the command of Major General Hirano Toyoji.Later town changed its name from Fort de Kick Stadsgemeente be Bukittinggi The Yakut Shoo, whose land extended to include village-like surrounding villages Sank Annam Tribe, Gadut, Kapaau, Am pang Tower, Bukit Bate Tuba and Batabuah. Now the village-the village into the Agama regency.

After the independence of Indonesia, Bukittinggi defined as the area of ​​city government based on the assessment of Sumatra Province Governor No. 391 dated June 9, 1947, but it's that time Sumatra's provincial capital, with its governor Mr. Teuku Muhammad Hasan.

At times defend the independence of Indonesia, the City Bukitinggi role as the city struggles, where on 19 December 1948, the city is designated as the capital city of Indonesia after the Yogyakarta fall into the hands of the Dutch or known by the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI). Later on, the event was designated a State-Defense Day, according to the Republic of Indonesia Presidential Decree No. 28 of 2006 dated December 18, 2006.

Next Great City of Bukittinggi be based on the Law No. 9 Year 1956 on the establishment of an autonomous region within the major cities of the province of Central Sumatra that time, which covers the province of West Sumatra, Jambi, Riau and Riau Islands now.

Although after the issuance of Government Regulation No. 84 of 1999 as a new legal basis of regional government in the implementation of Bukittinggi, but until now still cannot be implemented.

Bukittinggi city lies in a series that ran along the Bukit Barisan Sumatra island, surrounded by three volcanoes namely Mt Singgalang, Mount Marapi and Mount Sago, and at an altitude of 909-941 meters above sea level. The city is also berhawa cool with temperatures ranging between 16.1 - 24.9 ° C. While the total area of ​​the current town of Bukittinggi (25.24 km ²), 82.8% have been allocated to cultivation of land, while the remaining protected forests.

The city has a hilly topography and berlembah, some hills are scattered in urban areas, among them Ambacang Bukit, Bukit Tambun Bones, Mandiangin Bukit, Bukit Campago, Kubangankabau Bukit, Bukit Pinang Nan Sabatang, Changing Bukit, Bukit Paninjauan and so forth. While there are valleys, known also by Sank canyon with a depth varying between 75-110 m, which didasarnya flows a river called Batang put up the estuary on the west coast of Sumatra island.


Bukittinggi city population growth cannot be separated from changes in Bukittingi a trading center in the highlands of Minangkabau, starting with dibangunya market by the Dutch East Indies government in 1890 under the name loods, locals spell it with loin, with the curved roof became known as Loin Galuang.

Today, the city Bukittingi is the most populous city in the province of West Sumatra, with a total workforce of about 52,631 people and 3845 people of whom are unemployed. The city is dominated by ethnic Minangkabau, but there are also ethnic Chinese, Javanese, Tamil and Batak.

Chinese community to come together with the emergence of markets in Bukittinggi, they allowed the Dutch East Indies government built the store / kiosk at the foot of the hill fortress of Fort de Kick to the west, stretching from south to north, now known as Kampung Cino. Meanwhile, Indian traders are placed at the foot of the hill to the north, a circular from east to west and is now known as Kampung Keling.


Bukittinggi city since 1918 has the status of gemeente, then in 1930 the city was expanded to 05.02 km ². During the Japanese occupation of the territory of this town again expanded. Then at the beginning of Indonesia's independence overlapping boundaries of this city because of unilateral determination of both the Dutch East Indies and Japan.

Currently, the city government boundaries is surrounded by Agama district, and konfik between the two governments are on the border region continues, added after the release of Government Regulation no. 84 of 1999 on changes in boundaries district town of Bukittinggi and Agama, from government regulation (PP) is an area of ​​the town of Bukittinggi increased to 145.29,90 km ², by entering some villages that were previously in the Japanese occupation in the administrative area of ​​the town of Bukittinggi.

But as government reform, which granted broad autonomy to the district and the city, came back from the public rejection Agama district of expansion and development of the region town of Bukittinggi. For people who go to Agama district in this city expansion area, feel loss because with the return of the implementation of village governance model is more promising, than are in the village. Besides that, there are assumptions, people who have heterogeneous city would also tend to give effect to indigenous traditions and the wealth that had been owned by the village

Bukittinggi city located in a strategic position, connected with several other cities including the cities of which are beyond the province of West Sumatra, such as the city of Pekanbaru and Medan, and a town through which the Trans Central Sumatra. Yellow Aur Terminal is the main terminal for transportation ground transportation in this city. As for transportation in the city, the available means of public transportation other than a microbus and hansom cab (horse carriages).

Previously, the city is traversed by the railway from the city Payakumbuh toward the city of Padang, which was built around the early 20th century during the reign of the Dutch East Indies, but after independence means of transportation is no longer active.

The city also has a non-class air transport facilities named Airport Bukittinggi.


Galuang Loin market developments now also called ateh Market, making the Dutch East Indies government then re-develop the market, by rebuilding a loods eastwards in 1900, precisely at the waist area of the hill adjacent to the ditch that flowed at the foot of the hill, because market location is located in the slope of the local people call it by name teleng Market (Tilt) or Slope Market. The next development in the surrounding area appear again next several markets including the Lower Market and Market Banto. In structuring the market, Dutch East Indies government also connects with the market every bunch (the stairs) and among the famous is called by the name of bunch 40.

To reduce congestion in one area of ​​the town of Bukittinggi later developed urban areas to the east by building Aur Kuning Market, which currently is one of the wholesale trade center for goods convection in the town of Bukittinggi. While the traditional markets around the region such as the Clock Tower ateh Market, Market and Market Down Slope, this time developed into a place of sale of handicrafts and souvenirs typical Minangkabau.

Due to a small area, the trade sector is one choice that is right for the town of Bukittinggi in increasing per capita income, and has become one of the main objectives in the field of trade on the island of Sumatra.

In addition the government town of Bukittinggi also produced several programs to alleviate poverty among the training increased diversification in the form of training and skills enhancement training embroidery kebaya-making, and the growth of new entrepreneurs.


Development of tourism is one of the leading sectors for the town of Bukittinggi, the many exciting attractions, making this city is also dubbed as the "city tour". Currently in the town of Bukittinggi has been there about 60 hotels and 15 travel agencies.The hotels are located in the town of Bukittinggi, among others, The Hills (formerly Novotel), hotels Pusako and so forth.

Valley Sank canyon is one of the main tourist attraction. Panorama Park located in the town of Bukittinggi allows tourists to see the beautiful scenery Sank canyon. Panorama Park In the cave there is also a former Japanese soldier hiding during World War II, the so-called Japanese Hole Bukittinggi.

In the Garden there Kanduang Bundo Tower replica house that serves as a museum of Minangkabau culture, Bukittinggi Zoo and fortress Fort de Kick is connected by a pedestrian bridge called the Bridge Limpapeh. Limpapeh pedestrian bridge above the road A. Yani which is the main street in the town of Bukittinggi.

Market ateh (pasas above) are adjacent to the Clock Tower which is the center of the city. In the market there are many sellers ateh handicrafts and embroidery
 as well as snacks souvenirs typical of West Sumatra as Karupuak Sanjai (cassava chips ala Sanjai in Bukittinggi area) is made from cassava, Karupuak Jangek made ​​from cow or buffalo leather and Karak Kaliang, a kind of typical Bukittinggi snacks shaped like a figure 8. Currently, he also has built several modern shopping centers in the city of Bukittinggi.


Bukittinggi city community loved riding, and every year the city held a contest in Bukit Ambacang horse racing, which has been held since 1889, This is a race horse racing circuit racing horse race held in several other areas in West Sumatra, with existence plumbean also encourages to keep the persistence of horse breeders, other than as a tradition as well as a source of community livelihood.  In addition, during the revolution of independence of Indonesia, this region is also a runway or airfield for small aircraft types.

Penulis : Lylie Murch ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Let’s go to bukittinggi ini dipublish oleh Lylie Murch pada hari Jumat, 02 Maret 2012. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Let’s go to bukittinggi

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